Administrator Guide 2017
Edit multiple results

Edit multiple results allows results to be edited in the report screen.


Details for enabling the button on the report screen


*Description A descriptive text to identify this item.  This may or may not be displayed on the report, job or device so be aware of how it may look to a customer or user.  It will also be the way in which the item to which it is attached will be identified within a list, both for setup/maintenance and when selected on a device or report list, so it will need to be specific.  For instance, it may be useful to use a date to differentiate between an old and a new version, or to use a location or customer name if a form or action is used solely for that purpose.
* Text on button Text on button to start editing
* Edit items contained in job definition Select the job definition that contains the items that will be edited.  It may be necessary to create a job definition specifically for this purpose.
See Also